An up-date from our Museum Curatorial Committee
This year at the Atlantic Canada Aviation Museum it has certainly been an exciting one. Not only were we able to start on a great many restoration projects, but we were also able to be part of the celebrations for Canada’s 150th Anniversary.
Throughout the season we shared with our visitors the unforgettable events of 9/11, what happened during that time and the role that the wonderful people of Halifax played in helping thouse in need. We also delved into the amazing delights of space travel, what makes it all possible and how far we have come since that first flight in the Silver Dart.
We are also very proud to be able to display one of the tires from the Space Shuttle Columbia, personally signed by our very own Canadian Astronaut, Christ Hadfield himself, very kindly donated to us by Michelin.
And let’s not forget our very popular Events days that were held during June, July and August. Every year these events are even more popular with many more people coming to visit, getting thier chance to not only see what has been happening at the Musuem, but also getting to meet and talk with our ream of dedicated volunteers – who, without them, none of this would be possible – our thanks goes out to each and every one for helping to make this year our most successful yet!
But don’t forget you can still request an out-of-season tour by simply emailing us at – otherwise we look forward to welcoming you again when we re-open May 19, 2018. The Curatorial Committee