Proud Members

Associations we are proud to be working alongside for the benefit of Canadian aviation history.

  • ANSM - The Association of Nova Scotia Museums

    The Association of Nova Scotia Museums (ANSM) is a registered non-profit organisation, originally established in 1976 as the Federation of Museums, Heritage and Historical Societies. The Federation worked to improve communication between heritage organisations, lobby on their behalf, provide training opportunities and raise the profile of heritage with all Nova Scotians.

  • CAPA- Canadian Aeronautical Preservation Association

    CAPA is an association of Canadian Aviation Museums and Associate Members, who have come together to promote the preservation of aircraft, aviation history, and the retention in Canada of artefacts and materials significant to Canadian aviation.

Our Working Partners

At The Atlantic Canada Aviation Museum we are delighted to work in partnership with a great many people, companies, and organizations. Below are just a few that we consider our partners in history.

To find out more about each one click on their link.

Proud members

Associations we are proud to be working alongside for the benefit of Canadian aviation history.

Nova Muse

Nova Muse is a collection of collections, an organisation and website that enables contributors to showcase their collections online regardless of their geographical location, physical space or hours of operation.

CAPA- Canadian Aeronautical Preservation Association

CAPA is an association of Canadian Aviation Museums and Associate Members, who have come together to promote the preservation of aircraft, aviation history, and the retention in Canada of artefacts and materials significant to Canadian aviation.

Our working partners

At The Atlantic Canada Aviation Museum we are delighted to work in partnership with a great many people, companies and organizations. Below are just a few that we consider our partners in history.

To find out more about each one click on their link.

If you are interested in becoming one of our working partners, please contact our fundraising team, we would be delighted to hear from you.