Thank You for Renewing Your Membership!

Your support will help us give our visitors a truly unique and rewarding experience and help us to fulfill our vision to fulfill our vision to be Atlantic Canada’s leading aviation museum, a regional centre of excellence that inspires dreams of flight for present and future generations.

The many benefits of membership include:

  • Museum access during regular hours
  • Attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting
  • Give input on the future direction of ACAM
  • Able to hold a position on the Board of Directors
  • Receive the newsletter & notice of upcoming events
  • Exclusive access to cockpits of select aircraft
  • Work on restoration and preservation projects
  • Discount at the gift shop

Please let us know if you’ve been thinking about becoming a volunteer.

We’d love to hear from you and if you haven’t visited recently, why not stop by for a visit!

Thanks again,
The ACAM Leadership Team

PS: Your Membership Card will be in the mail to you very soon