Planning Your Day at the Museum

The Atlantic Canada Aviation Museum offers a fun, inspiring day out for the whole family, admission is free, however, we do suggest $8.00 per person to help us continue to improve the Museum for generations to come.
The Museum is home to hundreds of historical artifacts and displays both civilian and military, we cover the entire history of flight in Canada, and especially that of Atlantic Canada, from the very latest in space flight, through World Wars and all the way back to the start with our very own Silver Dart replica built from original drawings created by Alexander Graham Bell himself.
Our special calendar of events and our displays not only bring this wonderful collection to life but also delight and educate everyone who visits. Our aim is to display and present everything in our museum in the best possible way to satisfy even the most avid of aircraft enthusiast and information hungry visitors. We even have something for the children with Billy Mink, a lovable little Kidoons character who engages and excites with his fun educational stories and antics.
We regularly receive comments from our visitors telling us how surprised and delighted they are by our collections, the information we provide and the dedication of our volunteers, who not only run but maintain the Museum and have done ever since we opened 1978!
To read some of the comments from our visitors please go to Tripadvisor.
Reaching us is easy, simply take exit 6 off Highway 102 right across from the Halifax Stanfield International Airport. Whether you are just arriving in Halifax, on your way out, or simply here for a longer visit come in and explore our Museum and see just how time flies when you are having fun!